Neurofeedback for Clients

At Neurotopia, clients are welcomed into a judgment-free environment where their concerns and well-being are our top priority. Our clinicians listen attentively, creating a space where clients feel understood and supported. We create personalized training plans based on a thorough assessment of their needs and goals. This personalized care ensures that every session is aligned with the client’s goals, fostering a sense of trust and comfort throughout their journey toward improved mental and emotional health.
Our Process
- 1Free Consultation
- 2Assessment
- 3Sessions
- 4Re-evaluation

Our customized iterative process allows you to achieve the best clinical outcomes and reach your personal goals.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is included in a free consultation?
Consultations can be conducted in person, over the phone, or through an online virtual meeting. During the consultation, clients can describe their concerns and learn how Neurofeedback might help them find relief. We will address questions about the Neurofeedback process, session frequency, pricing, and how it can be integrated with other therapies and interventions the client may already be undergoing. This consultation is an excellent opportunity to learn more about Neurofeedback and determine if it is a suitable option for you.
What to expect from the first visit?
The first visit is a 2-hour long assessment, which is a three-part process. First, the clinician conducts an interview to understand how the client’s nervous system is not functioning as expected. After identifying all areas of concern, the clinician designs a training protocol tailored to the client’s individual needs.
The second part involves administering a computerized performance test (CPT) to provide an objective baseline measurement of brain performance, including speed, consistency, and accuracy. This data will be compared to a second set gathered typically after 20 Neurofeedback sessions to track objective improvements in brain function and positive changes in subjective symptoms.
The third part of the assessment is an evaluation session where the clinician begins implementing the customized plan. The full assessment takes up to two hours and includes discussing the treatment plan and expectations, setting goals, and scheduling future sessions.
What to expect during a Neurofeedback session?
Each Neurofeedback session begins with a check-in, during which the clinician evaluates the training outcomes of previous sessions and any changes in symptoms. Then, the clinician discusses the next step in the treatment plan with the client and implements any needed changes to achieve the desired results.
Which parts of the brain does Neurofeedback focus on?
During the intake, your clinician will identify all areas of concern and design a training protocol that may involve targeting several regions of the brain to improve specific functions. Broader functions such as calming and grounding, stabilization, or regulation and control of thoughts and emotions may involve the parietal, temporal, and prefrontal cortex. More specific areas can address particular concerns like speech and language development, articulation, social-emotional awareness, reading, and writing skills. Additionally, as the training progresses, other Neurofeedback modalities can be introduced to enhance relaxation and focus or to resolve traumatic experiences. As a client, you will be providing feedback on symptom changes in session and in between sessions and be part of the clinical decisions involved in the protocol development.
How long is a session?
Typically the training sessions are 30 minutes long. The appointments are 50 minutes long, to allow a brief check-in assessment before each session, to help the clinician decide on the next step in training, as well as the setup for one or more training modalities, depending on the individual.
How many sessions does it take to see results?
Most clients will notice a shift in their symptoms either during the very first session or shortly thereafter. The brain begins to use different pathways to function differently, and with repetition and reinforcement over time, it learns to sustain these new pathways and maintain optimal self-regulation. The amount of training required to see lasting results depends on the specific symptoms being addressed, the brain’s responsiveness, and any potential interferences with the learning process.
Typically, we start with 20 sessions, which provide ample training for the clinician to develop a comprehensive protocol and incorporate all desired training modalities. A reassessment is usually conducted after 20 sessions, offering an opportunity to evaluate the training goals and outcomes with each client and collaboratively decide on the next steps.
Is it safe?
Neurofeedback is completely non-invasive, no electrical current is going into the brain. Instead, we monitor the brain’s electrical activity in specific areas in the brain and we show parts of that information back to the brain. The process is based on the brain’s ability to change with experience, a process called neuroplasticity.
How long do the Neurofeedback training effects last?
With enough repetition, the brain will retain the gains over time. When addressing long-standing dysregulation, it might take longer for the brain to master self-regulation. Often, clients will return for tune-ups to help maintain optimal function.
Payment and Insurance information
Payment for the services is expected at the time of the session. We don’t work with insurance but we can offer a superbill that the client can submit themselves. Before doing so, the client should contact the insurance provider and inquire about coverage for Biofeedback, which includes Neurofeedback.
Client Forms
- Intake Form
Roxana Sasu is a highly skilled and attuned practitioner. She is extremely knowledgeable about brain neuroscience, Neurofeedback techniques and protocols and she also has that rare ability to refine Neurofeedback techniques and protocols to meet the nuances of her clients’ needs. A European trained medical doctor and a warm caring person — I am so grateful for all she’s done for me.
Roxana has the dual capacity of being very smart and attuned, which makes her an exceptional Neurofeedback practitioner. She has provided intensive Neurofeedback packages for me and several of my family in the past few years - all of which have been very rewarding. We traveled from Australia to do Neurofeedback and our high hopes were well exceeded. Roxana quickly assessed my Neurofeedback needs and personal goals. She optimized my protocol efficiently. This meant I got a tremendous amount out of my training with Roxana. I can honestly say that I am calmer, more resourced, wiser, happier and more courageous as a result of her training with me. I also found an enhanced life trajectory, which has had a long-lasting effect. I highly recommend Roxana.
My Neurofeedback therapy with Roxana Sasu has been life-changing. The very idea that I would experience a cumulative and lasting brain calming and central nervous system rebalancing appealed to me greatly. It has been Roxana’s extraordinary traditional medical background combined with her holistic philosophy about the mind/body connection that insures my trust in her Neurofeedback expertise. As a sharp teacher of brain science and as a healing practitioner who works from an intuitive kindness with her clients, she has helped me to shift my energetic/emotional set point from untethered anxiety to a more consistent state of observable ease. Through Neurofeedback she has helped me to gently witness early traumas, rather than remain stuck in them. Many unwanted physical conditions -- including the lessening of anxiety and depression -- have been transformed as a result. I practiced meditation before I began to work with Roxana, yet because of Neurofeedback this practice has deepened significantly. My ability to self-soothe and quiet my mind comes more readily to me, placing me more frequently in that observer’s seat of my own life. What can I say -- Neurofeedback is a great mental declutterer and mind focuser! It’s been such a powerful gift in my self-care tool box, and I couldn’t have created a more intelligent, loving and authentic technician to work, play and grow with. I am very thankful to have met Roxana on the joyous path of self-knowing.
I highly recommend Roxana Sasu for her professionalism, expertise in Neurofeedback, and overall approach in treating individuals with special needs! Our son who had been diagnosed with Asperger’s followed an intensive two-week Neurofeedback training. We had lots of questions and very little knowledge about this technique, but Roxana explained how Neurofeedback could help improve our son’s behavioral issues. I still remember the impact of the first Neurofeedback session when my son started to notice my wife’s hair color, tell us how much he loves us, and being more present with us for the entire day. Throughout the two weeks of training, we’ve accomplished results that we could never dream of before, such as my son being more present, conversational, caring, and loving, lack of any tantrum, anxiety, or tics. I will highly recommend Roxana not only for her expertise and experience in Neurofeedback but equally, if not even more important for her approach and full dedication and engagement with her patients.
Discover how Neurotopia can support your journey to better mental health or help you master Neurofeedback.